Our electric cupping therapy set helps to improve blood circulation, accelerates relaxation, and provides professional massage.
Combined with lavender essential oil & rosemary essential oil, can more effectively reduce fatigue and relax your mood.
Cupping therapy massager integrates cupping, scraping, and red light heating massage. We are bringing you a full range of professional massages.
Electric cupping device has a 6 levels system, different choices of temperature and suction can meet most people's various needs, easy to get an effective, relaxing & professional massage.
Smart cupping massager uses an advanced temperature control chip and PI conduction heating technology. The one-push pressure relief design, is safer and simpler to use, ensuring your safety while enjoying relaxation, easy to operate, and easy to realize.
Cupping kit for massage therapy has a unique design that is durable, light & convenient. Suitable for back, shoulder, leg, arm, waist, perform a multi-part full body massage. It's also a great massage device for family members, elders, and friends.